Many people think a computer is just a tool for checking Facebook, watching videos, and playing games. But computers are actually pretty powerful machines that can be used for much more. Programming is one of the most exciting ways to get started with your computer’s potential, but it can also be daunting. If you’ve been thinking about learning to code but aren’t sure where to start, don’t worry – I’m here for you. Coding is more accessible than ever, and there are plenty of resources out there that can help you learn how to code in a range of different languages.
In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the easiest programming languages that anyone can learn—no prior coding experience required!
Javascript is a programming language used to create interactive web pages and web applications. You can use it in your browser, or on the server side.
JavaScript has been around for over 20 years and is currently one of the most commonly used programming languages in the world. It’s used in browsers and other client-side applications like games, multimedia applications and more.

Python is a general-purpose programming language that was initially released in 1991. It’s open source, freely available to the public, and can be used on multiple operating systems. Python has been around long enough to become one of the most popular programming languages in use today—and it’s not hard to see why.
Python is simple and easy to learn. It has a clean syntax, which means that you don’t need much effort or time to grasp its basic principles and syntaxes.
Python is also quite powerful: it’s highly extensible, so you can use it for web development projects with relative ease compared with other languages like C++ (which are more complex). Python also provides plenty of resources as well as support from other developers if you run into any problems along your journey toward becoming fluent in this language!
Ruby has an elegant syntax that’s natural to read and easy to write. Ruby is used in the Android operating system, Twitter, Hulu, Square Cash App and pretty much everything else you can imagine.
Some of the things you’ll learn by programming in Ruby:
- You’ll understand object-oriented programming concepts like encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism
- You’ll learn how to create objects that contain methods (procedures) that can be called on those objects or instances of those classes/types.
- You’ll also learn how to do some basic data manipulation such as working with strings and integers; creating arrays; iterating over them; deleting elements from them etc., all using loops!

I hope this article helped you understand the basics of programming and gave you some ideas for which language to start with. It’s always nice to know what’s available so that you can make the best choice for yourself or someone else who needs help learning how to code!